The Luxury of Lunch

Mahjong has swept across the US and it's such a fun, smart game. A very dear friend just gifted me a beautiful purple set which inspired the decor for this ladies luncheon. I find luncheons to be particularly luxurious as usually for lunch I am shoving something in my mouth that the children have left behind. To set out time in the middle of the day for friends is the ultimate gift these days.

Treasured Collections

Here you see beautiful lilac plates from Talmaris, an extraordinary store in Paris. I bought them as a gift to myself after giving birth to my first child. To be honest, I was coordinating with DHL from my hospital bed! But now, each time I look at these plates it happily brings me back to that moment.

The lilac handblown tumblers really hold their own and seem to say look at me! All shades of purple are malleable to the seasons and can lean cool or warm.

Shop the look

Olas Eggplant Linen Napkin

Regular price $74.00